Aviation Abbreviations Lesson by wifiCFI
This quiz will cover common aviation abbreviations and their meanings.
AC = Advisory Circular
AD = Airworthiness Directive
ADIZ = Air Defense Identification Zone
ADS = Automatic Dependent Surveillance
ADS-B = Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast
AFSS = Automated Flight Service Station
AGL = Above Ground Level
AIM = Aeronautical Information Manual
AIRMET = Airmen’s Meteorological Information
ALS = Approach Light System
AOA = Angle of Attack
ASOS = Automated Surface Observing System
ATC = Air Traffic Control
ATIS = Automated Terminal Information Service
AWOS = Automated Weather Observing System
CAT = Category or Clear Air Turbulence
CFI = Certified Flight Instructor
CFIT = Controlled Flight Into Terrain
CFR = Code of Federal Regulations
CG = Center of Gravity
CTAF = Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
DA/DH = Decision Altitude/Decision Height
D-ATIS = Digital – Automatic Terminal Information Service
DP = Departure Procedure
DPE = Designated Pilot Examiner
DUATS = Direct User Access Terminal System
DVFR = Defense Visual Flight Rules
ETA/ETE = Estimated Time of Arrival/Estimated Time En-Route
FAA = Federal Aviation Administration
FAR = Federal Aviation Regulations
FBO = Fixed Base Operator
FL = Flight Level
FP = Flight Plan
FSDO = Flight Standards District Office
GA = General Aviation
GPS = Global Positioning System
GS = Glideslope
HAT = Height Above Touchdown
HIRL = High Intensity Runway Lights
HIS = Horizontal Situation Indicators
HIWAS = Hazardous In-Flight Weather Advisory Service
IAF = Initial Approach Fix
IAP = Instrument Approach Procedure
IAS = Indicated Airspeed
IF = Intermediate Fix
IFR = Instrument Flight Rules
ILS = Instrument Landing System
KIAS = Knots Indicated Airspeed
LAAS = Local Area Augmentation System
LDA = Localizer Directional Aid
LIRL = Low Intensity Runway Lights
LLWS = Low Level Wind Shear
LMM = Locator Middle Marker
LOA = Letter of Authorization
LOC = Localizer
LOM = Locator Outer Marker
LPV = Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
MAA = Maximum Authorized Altitude
MAP = Missed Approach Point
MALS = Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System
MCA = Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCL = Middle Compass Locator
MDA/MDH = Minimum Descent Altitude/Minimum Descent Height
MEA = Minimum En-Route Altitude
MEL = Minimum Equipment List
METAR = Aviation Routine Weather Report
MHA = Minimum Holding Altitude
MIRL = Medium Intensity Runway Lights
MLS = Microwave Landing System
MM = Middle Marker
MOA = Military Operations Area
MOCA = Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MODE C = Altitude Reporting Mode of Secondary Radar
MODE S = Mode Select; Discreet Addressable Secondary Radar System with Data Link
MRA = Minimum Reception Altitude
MSA = Minimum Safe Altitude
MSL = Mean Sea Level
MTR = Military Training Route
MVFR = Marginal VFR
MVA = Minimum Vectoring Altitude
NAS = National Airspace System
NAVAID = Navigation Aid
NEXRAD = Next Generation Weather Radar
NM = Nautical Mile
NOTAM = Notice to Airmen
NTSB = National Transportation Safety Board
NTZ = No Transgression Zone
NWS = National Weather Service
ODP = Obstacle Departure Procedure
PAPI = Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR = Precision Approach Radar
PFD = Primary Flight Display
PIC = Pilot In Command
PIREP = Pilot Weather Report
PT = Procedure Turn
RAIL = Runway Alignment Indicator Lights
RCO = Remote Communications Outlet
REIL = Runway End Identifier Lights
RNAV = Area Navigation
RNP = Required Navigation Performance
RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
RVR = Runway Visual Range
RVSM = Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
SCT = Scattered
SDF = Simplified Direction Finding
SIC = Second In Command
SID = Standard Instrument Departure
SIGMET = Significant Meteorological Information
SM = Statute Mile
SOP = Standard Operating Procedures
SRM = Single Pilot Resource Management
STAR = Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STC = Supplemental Type Certificate
SUA = Special Use Airspace
SVFR = Special VFR
TAC = Terminal Area Chart
TACAN = Tactical Air Navigation
TAS = True Airspeed
TAWS = Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TBO = Time Before Overhaul
TCAS = Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TH = Threshold
TODA = Takeoff Distance Available
TORA = Takeoff Run Available
TSA = Transportation Safety Administration
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
VASI = Visual Approach Slope Indicator
VDP = Visual Descent Point
VFR = Visual Flight Rules
VGS = Visual Glideslope Indicator
VHF = Very High Frequency
VNAV = Vertical Navigation
VOR = Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range
VOR/DME = VOR with Distance Measuring Equipment
VOT = VOR Test Facility
WAAS = Wide Area Augment System
WX = Weather