quick tip videos

Below you will find free aviation quick-tip-videos to study for free! These videos do not cover the lesson topics in depth. They are focused on quick tips to make their understanding easier. We would suggest having some background knowledge in these areas prior to watching these tips and tricks videos.
The 2 minute
vor trick
This content is covered in the Navigation Aids: VOR Lesson in the Premium Courses. This simple trick will help you to easily pass your FAA Written Tests and Checkride Exams and make it so you never get confused or lost while flying using VORs.
magic number
holds made easy
This content is covered in the Holding Procedures Lesson in the Premium Courses. This simple trick helps students to determine the correct hold entry for a given set of circumstances and how to perform the hold properly.
5 types of
This content is covered in the Performance and Limitations Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand the different types of altitude encountered in the flight environment and when and how to use them.
This content is covered in the IFR En-Route Procedures Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand the Minimum En-Route Altitude and the assurances that are granted to them while flying at or above this altitude in the IFR Environment.
3 pitot static
This content is covered in the Pitot-Static System Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to differentiate between the different cockpit instruments that are connected to this system, how they operate, and how to deal with errors and malfunctions.
8 defense
This content is covered in the Fundamentals of Instruction Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps flight instructors to understand, differentiate, and cope with the different Defense Mechanisms they may face when teaching their aviation students.
3 stages of
This content is covered in the Weather Theory Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand and differentiate between the various stages of a Thunderstorm. Including the weather phenomenon associated with each stage.
This content is covered in the Runway Incursion Avoidance Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand and differentiate between the various signs and markings used at an airport.
What is
propeller twist?
This content is covered in the Aircraft Systems Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand why the propeller blades are twisted along their length from root to tip.
the 5 types
of fog
This content is covered in the Weather Theory Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students differentiate between the different types of fog that may be encountered in flight and how they form.
parasite vs
induced drag
This content is covered in the Principles of Flight Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand the different types of drag (and their sub-types) and how it affects an aircraft in flight.
4 types of
This content is covered in the Aeromedical Factors Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to differentiate between the different types of hypoxia that may be encountered in the flight environment, what causes them, and the appropriate corrective actions to be taken.
multi engine
performance loss
This content is covered in the Multi Engine-Other Factors Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand the difference between Power Loss and Aircraft Performance loss when a Multi-Engine Airplane is operating with a single engine.
This content is covered in the High Altitude Operations Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand when supplemental oxygen must be used in the flight environment in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
decoding the
This content is covered in the Weather Reports Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand how to decode a METAR weather report. This includes the different symbols and abbreviations associated with the report.
the 3 gps
sensitivity modes
This content is covered in the Navigation Aids: GPS Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand and differentiate between the various GPS Sensitivity Modes and if and when the GPS will automatically sequence between them.
This content is covered in the Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand and differentiate between the various vestibular illusions that pilots may encounter in flight.
The Thumb Trick
Pressure Systems
This content is covered in the Weather Theory Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to remember how air circulates around high and low pressure systems in addition to another trick that can be used in flight.
6 magnetic
compass errors
This content is covered in the Magnetic Compass Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand the different errors that can be experienced by the Magnetic Compass, what causes them, and the corrective actions that can be taken.
4 types of
vor checks
This content is covered in the Navigation Aids: VOR Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand the different types of VOR checks pilots can perform in their aircraft and how to properly accomplish those checks.
4 types of
This content is covered in the Performance and Limitations Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to differentiate between the different types of airspeed that are used in the flight environment and the intentions behind them.
7 ifr preflight
This content is covered in the Instrument Preflight Procedures Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video explains the different items a pilot must check and the differing actions they must take prior to beginning an IFR flight in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
the imsafe
This content is covered in the Aeromedical Factors Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand the different self-checks pilots should perform prior to any flight operation to make sure they are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to make a safe flight.
This content is covered in the Runway Incursion Avoidance Lesson in the Premium Courses. This video helps students understand key tips about performing Land and Hold Short Operations, how they can decline and/or accept a Land and Hold Short Clearance.
3 classes of
medical certs
This content is covered in the Certificates and Documents Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand and differentiate between the various classes, uses, and durations of medical certificates.
STROke cycle
This content is covered in the Aircraft Systems Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to understand and differentiate between the different strokes of the 4 stroke cycle commonly seen in piston engine on small flight training aircraft.
This content is covered in the Weather Reports Lessons in the Premium Courses. This video helps students to remember the different types of AIRMETS and SIGMETS and how they differ from each other.