Below you will find a list of topics and each different wifiCFI Checkride Lesson Plans they are covered in. Each lesson will have the section and task associated with the terms.
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Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task A - Human Behavior and Effective Communication
Definitions of Human Behavior, Human Needs and Motivation, Defense Mechanisms, Student Emotional Reactions, Basic Elements of Communication, Barriers to Effective Communication, Developing Communication Skills.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task B - The Learning Process
Learning Theory, Perceptions and Insight, Acquiring Knowledge, The Laws of Learning, Domains of Learning, Characteristics of Learning, Acquiring Skill Knowledge, Types of Practice, Scenario Based Training, Errors, Memory and Forgetting, Retention of Learning, Transfer of Learning.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task C - The Teaching Process
Preparation of a Lesson, Organization of Material, Training Delivery Methods, Problem Based Learning, Instructional Aids.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task D - Assessment and Critique
Purpose of Assessments, Characteristics of Effective Assessments, Traditional Assessment, Authentic Assessment, Oral Assessment, Effective Questions, Questions to Avoid, Instructor/Student Critique, Student Lead Critique, Small Group Critique, Student Critique by Another Student, Self Critique, Written Critique.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task E - Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism
Helping Students Learn, Providing Adequate Instruction, Standards of Performance, Minimizing Student Frustrations, Physiological Obstacles for Students, Ensuring Student Ability, Professionalism, Evaluation of Student Ability, Aviation Instructors and Exams, Professional Development.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task F - Techniques of Flight Instruction
Obstacles in Learning, Demonstration-Performance Method, Positive Exchange of the Flight Controls, Sterile Cockpit, Use of Distractions, Integrated Flight Instruction, Assessment of Piloting Ability, Aeronautical Decision Making.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task G - Risk Management
Principles of Risk Management, Risk Management Process, Level of Risk, Assessing Risk, Mitigating Risk, IMSAFE Checklist, PAVE Checklist, 5P Checklist.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task A - Aeromedical Factors
Medical Certificates, Hypoxia, Hyperventilation, Middle Ear and Sinus Problems, Spatial Disorientation, Motion Sickness, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Fatigue and Stress, Dehydration, Alcohol and Drugs, Scuba Diving and DCS.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task B - Runway Incursion Avoidance
Challenges to Taxiing, Cockpit Activities, Procedures for Steering, Hold Short Lines, Distractions, Pilot Workload, Taxi Planning and Review, Situational Awareness, After Landing, Controlled Airports, Non-Towered Airports, Night Operations, Aircraft Exterior Lighting, Low Visibility Operations.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task C - Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance
Aircraft Right of Way, Vestibular and Visual Illusions, See and Avoid Concept, Proper Scanning Procedure, Proper Clearing Procedures, Aircraft Blind Spots, Aircraft Speed Differential, Greatest Collision Risk.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task D - Principles of Flight
Airfoil Design Characteristics, Airplane Stability and Controllability, Turning Tendencies, Load Factor, Wingtip Vortices.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task E - Airplane Flight Controls
Primary Flight Controls, Secondary Flight Controls, Trim Controls.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task F - Airplane Weight and Balance
Weight and Balance Terms, Effects on Performance, Weight and Balance Control, Determination of Weight and CG.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task G - Navigation and Flight Planning
Terms Used in Navigation, Plotting the Course, Pilotage and Dead Reckoning, Radio Navigation, Diversion to an Alternate, Lost Procedures, Computing Fuel Consumption, Filing a Flight Plan.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task H - Night Operations
Night Vision, Night Illusions, Aviation Flashlight, Night Preflight Inspection, Engine Starting, Taxiing, Takeoff and Climb Out, In-Flight Orientation, Night Emergencies, Traffic Patterns, Approach and Landing, Go Arounds.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task I - High Altitude Operations
Oxygen Requirements, Physiological Hazards, Pressurization, Oxygen Systems, Aviator's Breathing Oxygen.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task J - 14 CFR and Publications
14 CFR, 14 CFR Part 1, 14 CFR Part 61, 14 CFR Part 91, NTSB Part 830, Advisory Circulars, Airmen Certification Standards, Pilot Operating Handbook, FAA Approved Flight Manuals.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task K - National Airspace System
Class A Airspace, Class B Airspace, Class C Airspace, Class D Airspace, Class E Airspace, Class G Airspace, Special Use Airspace, Temporary Flight Restrictions.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task L - Navigation Systems and Radar Services
VOR/VORTACS, DME, GPS, NDB, Radar Services.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task A - Certificates and Documents
Recreational Pilot, Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Medical Certificates, Pilot Recency Requirements.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task B - Weather Information
Weather Theory, Weather Briefings, Weather Reports and Forecasts, In-Flight Weather Advisories, Wind Shear.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task C - Operation of Systems
Primary Flight Controls, Secondary Flight Controls, Trim Systems, Powerplant, Propellers, Landing Gear, Fuel System, Oil System, Hydraulic Systems, Electrical Systems, Pitot-Static System, Vacuum System, Environmental Systems, Deicing and Anti-Icing.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task D - Performance and Limitations
Weight and Balance, Performance Charts, Atmospheric Conditions.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task E - Airworthiness Requirements
Day VFR Instruments, Night VFR Instruments, Inoperative Equipment, Special Flight Permits, Airworthiness Directives, Inspection Requirements, Appropriate Records.
Section 5: Preflight Procedures - Lesson: Task A - Preflight Inspection
Reasons for the Preflight Inspection, Using the Appropriate Checklist, Fuel Contamination, Inspection of Flight Controls, Removal of Chocks and Tie-Downs, Removal of Ice and Frost, Proper Loading, Use of Sound Judgement.
Section 5: Preflight Procedures - Lesson: Task B - Cockpit Management
Proper Arranging of Materials, Proper Use of Seat Belts, Emergency Procedures, Utilization of Resources.
Section 5: Preflight Procedures - Lesson: Task C - Engine Starting
Safety Precautions, Use of External Power, Atmospheric Conditions, Adjustment of Engine Controls, Prevention of Airplane Movement, Hand Propping.
Section 5: Preflight Procedures - Lesson: Task D - Taxiing
Proper Brake Check, ATC Clearance and Runway Markings, Controlling Direction, Controlling Speed, Wind Conditions, Avoiding Hazards, Runway Incursion Avoidance, Pilot Distractions, Taxi Chart.
Section 5: Preflight Procedures - Lesson: Task G - Before Takeoff Check
Positioning the Airplane, Division of Attention, Importance of Checklist, Assuring Engine Temperatures, Reviewing Takeoff Performance.
Section 6: Airport Operations - Lesson: Task A - Radio Communications and ATC Light Signals
Selection of Appropriate Frequencies, Radio Communication Phraseology, Compliance with ATC Clearances, ATC Light Gun Signals.
Section 6: Airport Operations - Lesson: Task B - Traffic Patterns
Operations at Uncontrolled Airports, Traffic Pattern Procedures, Proper Spacing, Desired Ground Track, Wake Turbulence Avoidance, Final Approach Distance.
Section 6: Airport Operations - Lesson: Task C - Airport Signs, Markings, and Lighting
Airport Signs and Markings, Airport Lighting.
Section 14: Postflight Procedures - Lesson: Task A - Postflight Procedures
Parking Procedure, Engine Shutdown, Securing the Airplane, Postflight Inspection, Refueling.