Below you will find a list of topics and each different wifiCFI Checkride Lesson Plans they are covered in. Each lesson will have the section and task associated with the terms.
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Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task A - The Learning Process
Learning Theories, Characteristics of Learning, Principles of Learning, Levels of Learning, Learning Physical Skills, Memory, Transfer of Learning.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task B - Human Behavior and Effective Communication
Control of Human Behavior, Human Needs, Defense Mechanisms, Basic Elements of Communication, Barriers to Communication, Developing Communication Skills.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task C - The Teaching Process
Preparation of a Lesson, Presentation Methods, Evaluating Student Performance, Problem-Based Learning.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task D - Teaching Methods
Material Organization, The Lecture Method, Group Learning Method, Guided Discussion Method, Demonstration-Performance Method, Computer-Based Training, Scenario-Based Training.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task E - Critique and Evaluation
Characteristics of Effective Critiques, Methods for a Critique, Effective Questions, Responding to Student Questions, Effective Written Tests, Effective Performance Tests, Collaborative Assessment.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task F - Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities
Providing Adequate Instruction, Standards of Performance, Emphasizing the Positive, Student Evaluation, Practical Test Recommendations, Additional Training.
Section 1: FOI - Lesson: Task G - Planning Instructional Activity
Objectives of Course Training, Building Blocks of Learning, Developing a Training Syllabus, Characteristics of a Lesson Plan, Scenario-Based Training.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task A - Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment - Part 1
Pitot-Static System, Attitude Indicator, Heading Indicator, HSI, RMI, Magnetic Compass, Turn and Slip Indicator, Turn Coordinator, Electrical System, Vacuum System, Electronic Instrument Display.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task A - Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment - Part 2
VHF Omnirange (VOR), DME, ILS, Marker Beacons, ADF, Transponder, GPS.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task A - Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment - Part 3
Airframe Anti/De-Ice, Propeller Anti-De-Ice, Air Intake Anti/De-Ice, Fuel System Anti/De-Ice, Pitot-Static System Anti/De-Ice, Radar and Lightning Detection.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task B - Aeromedical Factors
Hypoxia, Hyperventilation, Middle Ear and Sinus, Spatial Disorientation, Motion Sickness, Alcohol and Drugs, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Scuba Diving, Stress and Fatigue.
Section 2: Technical Subjects - Lesson: Task C - Regulations and Publications Related to IFR Operations
14 CFR Parts 61, 71, 91, 95, and 91, Instrument Flying Handbook, AIM, ACS/PTS, Instrument Departure Charts, En-Route Charts, Approach Procedure Charts.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task A - Weather Information
METAR, TAF, Radar Reports, Inflight Weather Advisories, Surface Analysis Charts, Prognostic Charts, Winds and Temperatures Aloft Charts, PIREPS, Freezing Level Charts, SIGMETS, AIRMETS.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task B - Cross Country Flight Planning
Airspace, ETA and Fuel Requirements, En-Route Charts, Instrument Approach Charts, Departure Procedures, STARs, NOTAMs, GPS and RAIM, Airframe Icing.
Section 3: Preflight Preparation - Lesson: Task C - Instrument Cockpit Check
Communications Equipment, Navigation Equipment, Magnetic Compass, Heading Indicator, Attitude Indicator, Altimeter, Turn and Slip Indicator, Turn Coordinator, Vertical Speed Indicator, Airspeed Indicator, Clock, Pitot-Heat.
Section 5: Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedures - Lesson: Task A - Air Traffic Control Clearances
Pilot and Controller Responsibilities, Clearance Void Times, Copying an ATC Clearance, Complying with Clearances, Clearance Readbacks, Requests for Clarification or Change, Setting COM and NAV Frequencies.
Section 5: Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedures - Lesson: Task B - Compliance with Departure, En-Route, and Arrival Procedures and Clearances
Appropriate Navigation Publications, Pilot and Controller Responsibilities, Appropriate Communication Frequencies, Identification of Navigation Aids, Compliance with Vectors, Intercepting Courses and Radials, Lost Communications.
Section 10: Postflight Procedures - Lesson: Task A - Checking Instruments and Equipment
Noting Equipment for Improper Operation, Written Records.