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Defining Elements of Risk Management - Study this Lesson >
Hazard Recognition, Tools for Hazard Awareness, Types of Risk, Risk Assessment Matrix.
Human Behavior - Study this Lesson >
Introduction to Human Behavior, 5 Traits of Accident Prone Pilots, Antidotes for Hazardous Attitudes.
Identifying Hazards and Mitigating Risk - Study this Lesson >
The PAVE Checklist, The IMSAFE Checklist.
Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) - Study this Lesson >
ADM Introduction, Analytical Decision Making, The DECIDE Model, Automatic Decision Making, Operational Pitfalls, The 3P Model.
Single Pilot Resource Management - Study this Lesson >
SRM Introduction, Available Resources, The 5Ps.
Certificates and Documents - Study this Lesson >
Recreational Pilot Eligibility Requirements, Recreational Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge, Recreational Pilot Flight Training, Recreational Pilot Flight Hours, Recreational Pilot Privileges and Limitations, Private Pilot Eligibility Requirements, Private Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge, Private Pilot Flight Training, Private Pilot Flight Hours, Private Pilot Privileges and Limitations, Commercial Pilot Eligibility Requirements, Commercial Pilot Aeronautical Knowledge, Commercial Pilot Flight Training, Commercial Pilot Flight Hours, Commercial Pilot Privileges and Limitations, Recency Requirements, Medical Certificates.
Runway Incursion Avoidance - Study this Lesson >
Challenges to Taxiing, Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO), Sterile Cockpit Principle, Cockpit Activities, Hot Spots, Airport Signs, Airport Markings, Procedures for Taxiing, Hold Short Lines, Controlled Airport Procedures, Non-Controlled Airport Procedures, Aircraft Lighting and Night Operations.
Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance - Study this Lesson >
Right of Way Rules, Spatial Disorientation, Vestibular Illusions, Visual Illusions, Proper Scanning Technique, Aircraft Blind Spots, Proper Clearing Procedures, Pilot Deviations, Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO).
14 CFR and Publications - Study this Lesson >
CFR, FAR/AIM, NTSB Part 830, Advisory Circulars, Airmen Certification Standards (ACS), Pilot Operating Handbook, Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK), Airplane Flying Handbook, Risk Management Handbook, Weight and Balance Handbook.
Aeromedical Factors - Study this Lesson >
Medical Certificates, Hypoxia, Hyperventilation, Middle Ear and Sinus Congestion, Spatial Disorientation, Vestibular Illusions, Visual Illusions, Motion Sickness, Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning, Stress, Fatigue, Alcohol and Drugs, DCS and Scuba Diving, IMSAFE Checklist.
Aircraft Systems - Study this Lesson >
The Powerplant, The Propeller, Induction Systems, Ignition System, Oil System, Engine Cooling System, Combustion System, Fuel System, Heating Systems, Electrical System, Hydraulic System, Landing Gear, Anti-Ice/Deice Systems.
Airplane Flight Controls - Study this Lesson >
Primary Flight Controls, Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder, Flaps, Leading Edge Devices, Spoilers, Trim Systems, Secondary Flight Controls.
Weather Theory - Study this Lesson >
The Atmosphere, Coriolis Force, Standard Atmospheric Pressure, Wind and Currents, Convective Currents, Windshear, Microbursts, Atmospheric Stability, The Adiabatic Process, Inversions, Relative Humidity, Determining Cloud Bases, Fog and Fog Types, Clouds and Cloud Types, Air Masses, Fronts, Thunderstorms, Squall Lines, Tornadoes, Turbulence, Icing, Hail, Lightning.
Weather Reports - Study this Lesson >
Flight Service Station, Weather Briefings, HIWAS, METAR, PIREP, TAF, AIRMET, SIGMET, Winds and Temperatures Aloft, Surface Analysis Chart, Low Level Prognostic Chart, Turbulence Chart, Icing Chart, Radar Summary Chart, Satellite Chart.
Airplane Weight and Balance - Study this Lesson >
Terminology, Effects of being Overweight, Balance Control, Center of Gravity (CG), Weight Shift Formula, Weight and Balance Graph and Example.
Performance and Limitations - Study this Lesson >
Types of Altitude, Indicated Altitude, True Altitude, Absolute Altitude, Pressure Altitude, Density Altitude, Types of Airspeed, Indicated Airspeed, Airspeed Indicator Markings, Calibrated Airspeed, True Airspeed, Groundspeed, V-Speed Definitions, Interpolation, Performance Chart Examples, Crosswind Component Chart.
National Airspace System - Study this Lesson >
Class A Airspace, Class B Airspace, Class C Airspace, Class D Airspace, Class E Airspace, Class G Airspace, Special VFR, Aircraft Speed Limits, Prohibited Areas, Restricted Areas, Warning Areas, Military Operating Areas (MOA), Alert Areas, Local Airport Advisory (LAA), Military Training Routes (MTR), Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR), Parachute Jump Operations, Published VFR Routes, Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA), National Security Areas (NSA), Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ), Wildlife/Wilderness Areas.
Navigation Aids: VOR - Study this Lesson >
VOR Introduction, VOR Service Volumes, VOR Inner Workings, VOR Cockpit Instruments, The Cone of Confusion, Reverse Sensing, Time and Distance Calculations, The VOR Trick, VOR Checks.
Navigation Aids: DME - Study this Lesson >
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Introduction, Slant Range Distance, GPS Distance.
Navigation Aids: GPS - Study this Lesson >
Global Positioning System (GPS) Introduction, Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM), Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE), GPS Sensitivity Modes, GPS Errors, Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS).
VFR Flight Planning - Study this Lesson >
Pilotage and Dead Reckoning, The Navigation Log, Checkpoints/Fixes, Plotting the Course, Selecting the Altitudes, VFR Cruising Altitudes, True Airspeed (TAS) and Fuel Burn, True Course and Wind Correction Angles, Using the Back Side of the E6B, Magnetic Variation, Magnetic Deviation, Time and Distance Calculations, Using the Front Side of the E6B, VFR Fuel Requirements, Additional Flight Plan Information, Lost Procedures.
Night Operations - Study this Lesson >
Night Vision, Anatomy of the Eye, Cones and Rods, The Night Blind Spot, Night Adaptation Techniques, Night Illusions, Pilot Equipment, The Flashlight, Aircraft Lighting, Airport Beacon Lights, Night Flight Considerations, VASI and PAPI Indications.
High Altitude Operations - Study this Lesson >
Required Training, Oxygen Use Requirements, Hypoxia, DCS and Scuba Diving, Other Physiological Factors, Turbochargers, Pressurization Characteristics, Supplemental Oxygen Systems, Aviator's Breathing Oxygen, Rapid and Explosive Decompression, Times of Useful Consciousness.
Principles of Flight - Study this Lesson >
The 4 Forces of Flight, Thrust, Propeller Twist, Left Turning Tendencies, P-Factor, Torque, Gyroscopic Precession, Spiraling Slipstream, Lift, Bernoulli's Principle, Angle of Attack (AOA), Critical Angle of Attack, Stalls, Downwash Principle, Drag, Parasite Drag, Induced Drag, Wingtip Vortices, Wake Turbulence, Lift/Drag Ratio (L/D), Weight, Ground Effect, Airplane Axes, Aircraft Stability, Forces in Turns, Slipping and Skidding Turns, Adverse Yaw, Load Factor, The Vg Diagram, Maneuvering Speed (Va).
VFR Airworthiness Requirements - Study this Lesson >
Required Aircraft Documents (ARROW), Required Aircraft Inspections (AV1ATES), Transponder Operations, Airworthiness Directives (AD), Form 337, Required VFR Day Equipment (ATOMATOFLAMES), Required VFR Night Equipment (FLAPS), Inoperative Equipment, Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL), Inoperative Flow Chart, Special Flight Permit.
Commercial Pilot Pay - Study this Lesson >
Common Carriage, Holding Out, Private Carriage, Commercial Pilot Pay Flowchart.
CFI Privileges and Limitations - Study this Lesson >
Flight Instructor Records, Flight Instructor Privileges, Flight Instructor Limitations, Flight Instructor Renewals, Flight Instructor Reinstatements.
FOI - Effects of Human Behavior and Communication on Learning - Study this Lesson >
Human Behavior, Motivation, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Defense Mechanisms, Learner Emotional Reactions, Teaching Adult Learners, Elements of Communication, Barriers to Communication.
FOI - The Learning Process - Study this Lesson >
Learning Theory, Perceptions and Insights, Acquiring Knowledge, Laws of Learning, Domains of Learning, Characteristics of Learning, Scenario Based Training, Acquiring a Skill, Types of Practice, Distractions, Types of Errors, Memory and Forgetting, Retention of Learning, Transfers of Learning.
FOI - Course Development, Lesson Plans, and Classroom Techniques - Study this Lesson >
Essential Teaching Skills, Preparation of a Lesson, Organization of Material, Training Delivery Methods, Problem Based Learning, Instructional Aids, Lesson Plans.
FOI - Student Evaluation, Assessment, and Testing - Study this Lesson >
Purpose of Assessments, Characteristics of Effective Assessments, Types of Assessments, Effective Questions, Types of Critiques.
FOI - Effective Teaching in a Professional Environment - Study this Lesson >
Instructor Responsibilities, Helping Students Learn, Standards of Performance, Minimizing Student Frustrations, Professionalism, Ethics and Conduct.
FOI - Effective Teaching, Risk Management, and Accident Prevention - Study this Lesson >
Hazards, Hazardous Attitudes, PAVE Checklist, IMSAFE Checklist, Risk Assessment, FRATs, Risk Management by Phase of Instruction, Risk Specific to Flight Instruction, ADM, SRM, 3P Model, Operational Pitfalls, 5P Checklist.